Municiple Yearbooks

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Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Municiple Yearbooks

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Population (estimated), 12,500; Rateable Value, £42,838; Area, 1,208 Acres.

The Council manages the gas, water, and electric light supplies, maintains baths
and wash houses, a free library, a Meldrum dust destructor, a cemetery, and work-
men's dwellings. Bangor was incorporated in 1883, up to which time from 1850 it was
under a local board of health. It has owned the gas and water supplies since 1878
and electric light since 1899.

Members of the Council

Councilor David Owen. Deanfleld, Bangror.

Hughes, H.. Green Bank, Bangor.
Lewis, H., Belmont, Bangor.
Lewis, T., Gartherwen. Bangor.
Matthews, W. P., The Rofft, Bangor,
Roberts, J. E., Bryn y Mor, Bangor.
Savage, H., Bryn Afon. Bangor.

Bayne, W., Menai View Terrace, Bangor.
Davies, J., Havana House, Bangor.
Griffith, H.. Caellepa, Bangor.
Jones, E., Iscraig, Bangor.
Jones. E. M., 544, High Street, Bangor.
Hughes, O. R., 4, Garfield Terrace, Bangor.
Owen. O., 163. High Street, Bangor.
Pozzi, C, Craig Beuno, Bangor.
Roberta, R. J., Tanyfron, Bangor.
Rowland Jones, R., High Street, Bangor,
Rowlands, D., Hill Street, Bangor.
Thomas, O. E., 301. High Street, Bangor.
Vincent, H. C, Bronwydd, Treborth, Bangor.
Williams, J., 8, Princes Road, Bangor.
Williams, J. P., 123, High Street. Bangor.
Williams, R., City Buildings, Bangor.
Williams, R. J., Cynfal, Bangor.


Town Clerk. -W. Huw Rowland.
Deputy Town Clerk.— W. E. Rumsey Williams
Treasurer.-E. Smith Owen, A.S.A.A.

Manager of Gasworks.— J. Smith.
Electrical Engikrer.— Price F. White.
Medical Officer.— P. Eraser.
Inspector.— W. H. Worrall.
Rate Collectors.— R. Thomas, D. Williams.



re: Meldrum dust destructor

The name destructors is applied by English municipal engineers to furnaces, or combinations of furnaces, commonly called “garbage furnaces” in the United States, constructed for the purpose of disposing by burning of town refuse, which is a heterogeneous mass of material, including, besides general household and ash-bin refuse, small quantities of garden refuse, trade refuse, market refuse and often street sweepings.
David Price David Price
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Re: Municiple Yearbook 1950

Very interesting, but could it be a misprint for the 1905 or 1908 Year Book?
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Municiple Yearbook 1909

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In reply to this post by Admin (Matt)


Population (estimated), 12,600; Rateable Value, £43,450; Area, 1,208 Acres.
The Council manages the gas, water, and electric light supplies, maintains baths
and washhouses, a free library and museum, a Meldrum dust destructor, a cemetery,
and workmen's dwellings. Bangor was incorporated in 1883, up to which time from
1850 it was under a local board of health. It has owned the gas and water supplies
since 1878, and electric light since 1899. The Council, under special powers, owns and
manages a pier and landing stage and a ferry to the Anglesey side of the Menai



Pozzi, C.
Bayne, W, Roberts, J.
Cooil, C. C. Roberts, R. J.
Davies, J. Bowland Jones, R.
Lewis, H. Jones, E. Thomas, O. E.
Lewis, T. Jones, E. M. Williams, J.
Matthews, W. P. Jones. W. Williams, J. P.
Roberts, J. E. Hughes, O. R. Williams, R. J.
Savage, H. Owen, O. Williams, T. J.

Councillor H. C. Vincent.
Hughes, H.

Town Clerk.— W. Huw Rowland.
Deputy Town Clerk.— W. E. Rumsey Williams
Treasurer.— E. Smith Owen, A.S.A.A.
Surveyor and Manager of Waterworks.—
J. Gill, A.M.I.C.E.


Manager of Gasworks and Electrical
Engineer.— Price F. White.
Medical Officer of Health.

G. L. Travis.
Sanitary Inspector.— W. H. Worrall, Cert. Royal San. Inst.
Rate Collectors.— R. Thomas, R.J. Buckland.
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Municiple Yearbook 1903

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Population 11,770 Rateable Vale £40,865 Area 1208 Acres


Mayor - Councilor W P Matthews

T Lewis JP
Hugh Savage
John Evan Roberts JP
Henry Grey-Edwards
Hugh Hughes
Henry Lewis JP

W Bayne
W A Foster
E Jones
W P Matthews
R Williams
J Williams
T G Williams
David Owen
O R Hughes
E O Price
Owen Owen
E Jones Roberts
W Eames
E O Thomas
Charles Pozze (Pozzi)
E Myrddw Jones JP
J P Williams

Town Clerk W H Rowland
Deputy Town Clerk - W E Ramsey Williams

Treasurer W Pughe JP
Borough Accountant - E Smith Owen

Surveyor and Manager or Water works J Gill
Manager of Gas Works - J Smith
Electrical Engineer - Price Foulkes White
Medical Officer - P Fraser
Inspector - W H Worrall
Rate Collectors - R Thomas and D Williams

Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Municiple Yearbooks

In reply to this post by Admin (Matt)
1889-90 can be found here:

Mayor - Alderman Charles Pierce JP

John Richards, J.P.
T. Charles Lewis
Richard Gray.
Edward Jones, (Brynmerion).
John Evans

John Evan Roberts {Deputy Mayor).
Donald Cameron.
W. A Dew.
Henry Lewis.
Huqh Hughes
Richard Davies.
Edward Jones (Coachbullder).
Robert Hughes.
Dr. Emyr Price.
Dr. Langford Jones.
William Jones (215. High street}.
John Price.
Richard Wllliams Rowlands.
Major Hugh Savage
Col, the Hon W. E. Sackville. West, J. P.
Richard Williams.
Humphrey Williams.
John Williams