Hirael Bay

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Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Hirael Bay

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Final Report from the consultation phase...

Newsletter, December 2008 - "Arriving at a preferred Masterplan for the Bay"

Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Hirael Bay

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Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Hirael Bay

In reply to this post by Admin (Matt)
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Hirael Bay

In reply to this post by Admin (Matt)
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Hirael Bay

In reply to this post by Admin (Matt)

This is all as good as scrapped now due to the downturn

Only two elements have come about.

+ The consolidation of shipping and pleasure boats and associated industry at Penrhyn Port
- The development of some sad, bland and overpriced housing on an area liable to flooding.
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Hirael Bay

In reply to this post by Admin (Matt)
Now scrapped. The 2013 mockups (pre-application) for Phase 2.  

Dave Dave
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Re: Hirael Bay

I'm a bit disappointed that nothing is going to go there.

In my opinion Hirael Bay is one of the few VERY pretty areas of Bangor. I include the Pier under this as well- a fantastic asset yet is totally underused.
You compare the area around Bangor's pier and other pier's in the area - I think it's a disgrace.

Hopefully one day somebody could build a marina there and a hotel - one place to take inspiration from is Deganwy.

Maybe we can use European grants better in the future (e.g on regeneration) rather than spending them on projects like 'Communities First'
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Hirael Bay

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I think what is planned will be more of the same type/style of dwellings that they built under phase 1. What flooding will beset the site over the next 20 years will need to be seen.

Flood Map 2013

Unfortunately Watkin Jones have land banked the area and will be looking for a commercial return on the investment.

Sadly they appear to lack the vision, will or skills to create anything worthwhile here so we will end up with something disappointing, which is sad for the city being such a key area.

This is of course not helped by the downturn and the lack of investors/anchor tenants for hotels/marinas... and fueled by a sense of needing to develop for jobs etc.. regardless of any vision, coherency or quality.

We are seeing allot of 60's architecture going, particularly businesses, so maybe this is the next raft of '60's architecture' we will see going in 40-50 years. Surrounded still by the Victorian townhouses which look onto the site.    

That said WJ's restorations (eg. British Hotel/Garth School) and brown field sites (eg Plaza) have been good, and there is more of that to come with the restoration of Plas Y Coed - hopefully. But building on important sites like this is out of their league.