Cathedral mice

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Cathedral mice

Where exactly are the pesky wooden mice in Bangor cathedral?
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Cathedral mice

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I think you want the Nave

From "The Cathedral Church of St Deiniol, Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales"

The artist...
Robert (Mouseman) Thompson (7 May 1876 – 8 December 1955)
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Cathedral mice

In reply to this post by MPRob

Apparently there are 5! these are 4...

1/2) Screens at end of Nave Aisles
3) Table in the Choir
4) Font Cover

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Re: Cathedral mice

Thanks for the info. Looked in the past but only found 2!
David Price David Price
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Re: Cathedral mice

There are five Thompson mice in the cathedral:
1. On the font cover
2. On the wooden doors at the west end of the south aisle (quite low down on the left).
3. On the wooden doors at the west end of the north aisle (quite high up on the left).
4.  At the base of the wooden pedestal in the south east corner of the crossing.
5. On the clergy stall in the Lady Chapel.  It was originally in the church of Llanddaniel Fab, now closed. It is sometimes moved to different positions in the cathedral.

There are Thompson mice at Holy Trinity, Llandudno and St Seiriol's Penmaenmawr (recently closed).