mary jones william bell rogerson

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anneelaine anneelaine
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mary jones william bell rogerson

Hi Just found out that we have no wedding docket for Mary  Jones born bodwrog 1837 & Wlliam Rogerson Born 1788  dublin
 Married  a round 1872/3 till about 1877  when he passed away age 80 years old
 living a round Bangor any help please
thanks Anneelaine
David Price David Price
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Re: mary jones william bell rogerson

Have you tried the Rootsweb - Gwynedd, Mailing List?  (Gwynedd, in this case. includes Anglesey, Caernarvonshire and Meriothethshire).

Of course, the quickest way  to find the answer to your query  is to look at the Ancestry or Findmypast websites.