In this picture is Hannah Lucas (nee Roberts) 1877-1960 with her youngest daughter Violet Nolan (nee Lucas) 1918-1973. The house was located on Caernarfon Road where the A55 overpass now goes over Caernarfon Rd. The house was demolished in 1950 to make way for the widening of the Road [Ron Morris]
Hannah was 35 in 1911 and had married John Charles Lucas (6 years her senior) and by 1911 they had 5 children Margaret Ann (13) Hannah (11) William Richard (8) John Charles (6) George Harrison (4). They also lived with John's father Charles Lucus (25 years John's Senior).
John and Hannah married in 1896 her father-in-law Charles was a widowed farmer from Dorset on the south coast. Hannah meanwhile had her hands full with 5 children (1 lost child) and more to come.
Many years ago a large number of querns were dug up near Bangor. They were so numerous that the
finder built a good part of a wall of a cottage with them, and they may now be seen there. The house
stands near the branching of the lane towards Perfeddgoed, about two miles from Bangor on the
Caernarfon Road. <Arch Camb 1860, 336>
There is now no trace of a house in the area indicated near the junction of the lane leading to
Prefeddgoed with the Caernarvon Road. <NAR>
Querns found at Tyddyn Brwynog. <RCAHMW 1960>
The A55 dual carriageway runs over the site of the former house of Tyddyn Brwynog.



Thomas Leah Daughter U 20 Dressmaker CAE, Bangor
Thomas Margaret Head W 64 Farmers wife CAE, Bangor
Thomas Mary Daughter U 29 Dressmaker CAE, Bangor
Thomas David Son U 35 Shoemaker CAE, Bangor
1851 Census