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You might be interested to know that Hugh Price PARRY was indeed a Sergeant in the former Denbighshire Constabulary and amalgamated North Wales Police. Hugh was born at Bangor on 18th February, 1916 and attended school with my late mother. As a boy he sang in the Bangor Cathedral Choir, as indeed I did myself in the period 1954-1961 He served as Sgt No. 131 during the period 28th December, 1937 and a date I have been unable to ascertain. (I served with him at Abergele in the period 1965-1966). I would have assumed that he served the full "30 Years" to which war Service would be included. He may have retired, I would guess, in early 1968 Hugh served in the Royal Air Force between 2nd August, 1943 and 1st September, 1945. I know that he sadly passed away on 24th December, 1988 If you are in touch with his daughter I would be most grateful if she could confirm the exact date of Hugh's retirement. I ask this as I am collating the names, numbers and dates of all those who served in the Denbighshire Constabulary from its formation in 1840 to its demise on 30th September, 1967 when an "amalgamation" of Police forces took place in North Wales. My email address is : gwyncid@aol.com Trusting that this information will be of interest to you. Gwyn |
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Dear Gwyn Thank you so much for the information on my Uncle Hughie Parry which is much appreciated and was unknown to me. Coming up to 68 and with a lifetime of photos and papers, included some inherited from my mother Eunice Hughie's younger sister, I am being encouraged by my wife and eldest daughter to downsize my collected material and record on DVD/CD important family information so I do not leave a mountain of material for someone else to sort out on my death. Coincidentally I have relatively recently regained contact with Hughie's son Cynric and will forward your information on to him. I have recently forwarded some photos on to him and within those was a picture of Hughie in his sergeant's uniform and an article where his wife Jean had noticed a felon in the high street which had resulted in him being re-arrested successfully. I'm sure Cynric would appreciate any reminiscences you might have on his dad and if I can be of any help please let me know. I regret I don't know exactly when he retired but Cynric might know. Unfortunately I am not in touch with Gaynor my cousin and Hughie's daughter but I have copied in Pat Rodgers, my other cousin and Hughie's niece who might know Gaynor's contact details. I visited him several times in his ultimate home when I lived in Lymm, Cheshire. He was proud of both his police service and his time in the RAF....did you know what his role was in the RAF as it was never clear to me? I have a copy of Hughie in his choirboy robes at Bangor Cathedral and understand he, like his younger brother Tom, was head chorister at Bangor Cathedral at one time. It has been on show at the cathedral but I can send you a copy of my copy if that is of use to you. May I thank you again for this information which is much appreciated. On a separate note I have much information on Hughie's brother, the famous wartime jazz band leader Harry Parry. I am in contact with a retired doctor and fan who met Harry and has a wealth of material on Harry, having published work on him. Do you know of anybody at Bangor Civic Society or Council who would be interested in the material with a view to making it available to future generations of Bangor people? Kind regards Mike Tayler Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2016 06:49:44 -0700 From: [hidden email] To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: The Parry Family in Caellepa Hi, You might be interested to know that Hugh Price PARRY was indeed a Sergeant in the former Denbighshire Constabulary and amalgamated North Wales Police. Hugh was born at Bangor on 18th February, 1916 and attended school with my late mother. As a boy he sang in the Bangor Cathedral Choir, as indeed I did myself in the period 1954-1961 He served as Sgt No. 131 during the period 28th December, 1937 and a date I have been unable to ascertain. (I served with him at Abergele in the period 1965-1966). I would have assumed that he served the full "30 Years" to which war Service would be included. He may have retired, I would guess, in early 1968 Hugh served in the Royal Air Force between 2nd August, 1943 and 1st September, 1945. I know that he sadly passed away on 24th December, 1988 If you are in touch with his daughter I would be most grateful if she could confirm the exact date of Hugh's retirement. I ask this as I am collating the names, numbers and dates of all those who served in the Denbighshire Constabulary from its formation in 1840 to its demise on 30th September, 1967 when an "amalgamation" of Police forces took place in North Wales. My email address is : [hidden email] Trusting that this information will be of interest to you. Gwyn If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
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In reply to this post by mstayler
Re: Harry Parry (1912-1956) - Wales & Britain's WW2 Jazz Band Leader 22nd April 2020
Just a note to say that I have been encouraged by Rod Holcombe, a retired doctor in Devon to write a definitive account of Owen Henry ("Harry") Parry the Bangor-born Swing Jazz band leader who was compere for the BBC's Radio Rhythm Club, Jazz Club & Housewives' Choice during much of the 1940s. I am at that stage where I am putting in order much original family material and research findings in order with a view to completing a book in 2012. I would be grateful for any memories of Harry from North Walians during the critical 1922-1932 period when he practiced at home in Caellepa, at the Caeleppa Chapel and on Bangor Mountain. Any memories of his time in the Bangor Municipal Band (played from 10 years old) and his time with the Harold Dobbs Band in Caernarfon would be appreciated as would memories of his visits to Bangor and radio broadcasts on the BBC Radio's "Radio Rhythm Club", "Jazz Club", "Housewives Choice" or "Crackerjack" where he was briefly as the resident band. My email is mikestayler@hotmail.com and I can be texted on 0794 054 7926. With thanks....Diolch Mike Tayler (nephew) |
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You probably know that a lot of material on Harry Parry has been deposited in Bangor University Archives.
School report, dated 1925, describing Owen Henry Parry as a born musician Letter and reference relating to Harry Parry's career at University College of North Wales. Scrapbook of material illustrating his career in music, from c. 1939 until his death in 1956. They contain photographs, handbills, copies of the Columbia and Parlophone Record Guide. Also contains the words and music of the song Twenty Tiny Fingers, dated 1955. Press cuttings (photocopies) relating to Harry Parry. List of recordings of Harry Parry deposited at the British Library's National Sound Archive by Mr and Mrs Taylor in 1987. |
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In reply to this post by Gwyncid
It was interesting to see the link with Bangor Cathedral. Hugh’s younger brother, Thomas Albert Parry followed him into the choir and also became head chorister and soloist. In1937, he was one of the two Bangor boys chosen to sing in the special choir who sang at the Coronation of George VI at Westminster Abbey. After leaving Friars School, Tom started work with Carter Vincent, Solicitors. He was called up in WW2 but was killed in action serving as Lance Bomber with the Central Mediterranean Forces. His name is listed in the City of Bangor Memorial at Glanrafon.
Harry Parry was also a chorister, but in the choir of St. Mary’s Church, where he was a soloist. They had a very good choir there in those days. When Harry died in 1956, a memorial service was held at St Mary’s. |
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Dear David,
Thank you for your email of the 23rd April which I found had gone direct to my "junk mail" so I'm delighted I have seen it.
I wasn't aware that Harry was a soloist in St Mary's Church where I was christened so that is ne information for which I'm grateful.
Tom Albert Parry was killed on the 16th November 1943 and was a Lance Bombardier (artillery counterpart of a Lance-Corporal) no. 922099 and according to my research was part of the 69 (The Denbighshire Yeomanry) Medium Regiment , Royal Artillery. He is buried
in Plot1, Row C Grave 6 in Minturno War Cemeteryin Minturno Village, 78km north of Naples.
I have in my possession an original letter from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission dated 26th February 1986 giving Tom's details,plus photo of Tom in his uniform to his brother plus Tom's "Pass to the Orchestra Gallery" (no 356) to sing at King George V1
& Queen Elizabeth's Coronation 1937 together with his Silver Medal presented as a thank you.
I am open to donating these to the City of Bangor for posterity if I knew these would be valued and displayed to the Bangor public occasionally.
I would welcome the opportunity to talk to somebody about Harry and/or the Parry family and look forward to hearing from somebody at The Bangor Civic Society. My parents gave much of Harry's personal possessions/material to the University of Bangor's archives
but I still have personal photos and materials which might ultimately need a home although The National jazz Archives in Essex have indicated their interest in some of the material.
I look forward to hearing from you and confirm I can be contacted on 0794 054 7926.
Kind regards
Mike Tayler (nephew)
From: David Price [via Bangor Civic Society | Message Board & Forum] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: 23 April 2020 15:15 To: mstayler <[hidden email]> Subject: Re: The Parry Family in Caellepa It was interesting to see the link with Bangor Cathedral. Hugh’s younger brother, Thomas Albert Parry followed him into the choir and also became head chorister and soloist. In1937, he was one of the two Bangor boys chosen to sing in the special choir
who sang at the Coronation of George VI at Westminster Abbey. After leaving Friars School, Tom started work with Carter Vincent, Solicitors. He was called up in WW2 but was killed in action serving as Lance Bomber with the Central Mediterranean Forces. His
name is listed in the City of Bangor Memorial at Glanrafon.
Harry Parry was also a chorister, but in the choir of St. Mary’s Church, where he was a soloist. They had a very good choir there in those days. When Harry died in 1956, a memorial service was held at St Mary’s. If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
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In reply to this post by David Price
Dear David,
Thank you I did know that my parents Stan Tayler and Eunice Tayler deposited them. One of the reasons I am writing the book apart from posterity is to be as accurate with facts, spelling etc as I can be as there are many inaccuracies in matters relating to
the family (eg: place of Harry's birth, which number in Caellepa he was brought up in, spelling of my parents' surname.....even my mother's name was spelt "Unica" in one report).
Thanks for this initial contact which is appreciated and I confirm I can be contacted on 0794 054 7926.
Kind regards
Mike Tayler (nephew)
From: David Price [via Bangor Civic Society | Message Board & Forum] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: 22 April 2020 13:42 To: mstayler <[hidden email]> Subject: Re: The Parry Family in Caellepa You probably know that a lot of material on Harry Parry has been deposited in Bangor University Archives.
School report, dated 1925, describing Owen Henry Parry as a born musician Letter and reference relating to Harry Parry's career at University College of North Wales. Scrapbook of material illustrating his career in music, from c. 1939 until his death in 1956. They contain photographs, handbills, copies of the Columbia and Parlophone Record Guide. Also contains the words and music of the song Twenty Tiny Fingers, dated 1955. Press cuttings (photocopies) relating to Harry Parry. List of recordings of Harry Parry deposited at the British Library's National Sound Archive by Mr and Mrs Taylor in 1987. If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
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