Stone no. 27?

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Stone no. 27?


I recently noticed a stone in the wall of the deanary (old Oriel) inscribed with the number 27. It is in the wall facing the 'library' car park. It doesn't look like street furniture, and seems to be old! Anyone know what it is? Thought it might be an old boundary stone?

Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Stone no. 27?

Interesting, I'll have to take a look. Sometimes with walls particularly of historical note they are numbered so they are put back correctly, but as you say the numbers are more inscribed and old then I'm not sure that's likely. Perhaps the stone had another use before it was used in the wall?

Couldn't see it on
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Re: Stone no. 27?

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Re: Stone no. 27?

Anyone come up with any ideas as to what this stone is/was?
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Stone no. 27?

Best guess so far is that it's reused stone... there looks like there may have been fixing holes in the numbers, so could it have been the number of a house, long since pulled down ?
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Re: Stone no. 27?

Interesting idea, I can see what you mean by the fixing holes. It's a pity it doesn't appear to be a boundary stone, an interesting odditity nevertheless.