Does anyone remember Sgt Robert Mierion Williams. born 31st January 1916. Last known address: Hill Street, Upper Bangor. Bangor. North Wales. He was the only survivor of Wellington bomber X9700 which was shot down on its way to Germany on 17th August 1941. My uncle Sgt Frederick York was one of the crew killed in action. Myself and a Canadian friend, who is a friend of the family of P/O William Casey are researching and would dearly like information regarding his post war years.We know that he was injured after bailing out of the aircraft, taken POW in Stalag Luft lll and liberated 1945? by the Russians. He was interviewed by BBC Radio Kent in 1952. We have searched the internet for hours that must have turned into days without success. Sgt Williams would be almost 97years old now. Was he your friend, granddad, uncle....? Would be thrilled to know. Please email ebaybonkers@yahoo.co.uk or post me a message. Many thanks. Sharon and Don.