Publication of Bangor University, 1884-2009 Event

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Publication of Bangor University, 1884-2009 Event

Bangor University, 1884-2009 (Hardcover)
by David Roberts (Author)
# Hardcover: 160 pages
# Publisher: University of Wales Press (September 30, 2009)
# ISBN-10: 0708322263
# ISBN-13: 978-0708322260

Publication of a book tracing the history of the University - Bangor University 1884-2009.

Date: Thursday 1 October 2009
Time: 09:00:00
Location: To be confirmed.

This event is one of a series of special events, organised by the University to mark the 125th anniversary.

*Please note:* the above date is provisional and will be confirmed nearer the time.