Public Realm Strategy and exhibitions

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Public Realm Strategy and exhibitions

Bangor city centre – we need your views....

As part of our effort to enhance and improve Bangor city centre, in particular the High Street and the Tan y Fynwent area, a Public Realm Strategy has been prepared for the city

Workshops have already been held with various groups, including retailers, access groups and schools, to find out their areas of concern and what they would like to see in Bangor.

We have used the views and opinions presented at these workshops to create concept plans, and we want to hear your views about them

2 public exhibitions have been arranged:

    * Wednesday 15 July - Saturday 18 July
      11.00am - 4.00pm
      Unit 2, Deiniol Centre, Bangor (former Superdrugs shop)
    * Monday 20 July - Friday 24 July
      11.00am – 4.00pm
      Bangor Cathedral

Please come along and tell us what you think.

If you are unable to attend the exhibition, you can view the concept plan by clicking on the attachment below.  Please let us have your opinions either by downloading the attached comment form and posting it to the address on the form, or send an e-mail to:

Taylor Young Consultants have been appointed to carry out the work. The project is part financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through European Union’s Convergence programme administered by the Welsh Assembly Government.

For further information, please call Gwynedd Council’s Bangor Public Realm Strategy Co-ordinator by calling (01286) 679448 or send an e-mail to the address above.