Pontio Innovation & "Bridging" the community and the university

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SidneyWhitaker SidneyWhitaker
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Pontio Innovation & "Bridging" the community and the university

 I would like to stress my conviction that ALL FACTORS (even, though some would query it, finance !) argue in favour of incorporating, in advance, a pedestrian bridge design as sensational as the Pontio buildings & concept themselves:
• civilised movement (human and mechanical),
• safety,
• economy (time and fuel for vehicles and passengers held up by traffic lights),
• keeping up-to-date with current provision in comparable cities & situations,
• honouring the tradition of bridge-building in the locality (Bangor proudly claims Telford and Stephenson's as pioneer contributors to our heritage)
• anticipating and integrating a necessity which will reveal itself when the buildings are completed.
I have assembled illustrations of pedestrian bridges offering some of the requirements, and attach one (inevitably on a much larger scale).  The design must be as bold and innovative as Pontio itself.  I think that an enclosed walkway would be essential given climatic conditions.