
This Stone was laid by Alderman R J Williams J.P. O.B.E. Major of Bangor 27th October 1920

Between 120-122

THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 OCTOBER, 1942Re the Estate of WALTER AMOS FOSTER, Deceased (trading as Jarvis & Foster), Printers and Stationers.
Pursuant to Trustee Act, 1925, as amended. ALL persons having any claims against the estate of Walter Amos Foster (trading as Jarvis & Foster) of 118 Pennant Crescent Bangor in the county of Caernarvon deceased who died on the 25th June 1942 and administration of whose estate was granted at Bangor on the ist day of October 1942 to Walter Scott Foster of Brackendale, Hill Crest, Winchmore Hill, London the administrator are hereby required to send particulars thereof in writing to us the undersigned Solicitors before the loth December 1942 after which date the administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice.—Dated this 7th day of October 1942. CARTER VINCENT and CO., Wellfield Offices, Banpor, North Wales, Solicitors for the said (243) Administrator.