Pen Parc, Bangor

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Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Pen Parc, Bangor

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An interesting isolated detached house now owned by the University and used as a 'Pontio' venue.

The above is from an old postcard... Painted advertising of Owen ... Building Contractor & Undertakers led me to search the advertising archive, which came up with this...

Richard Owen.


13/03/2012 0630 hrs


To celebrate Bangor Science Festival as part of National Science and Engineering Week, Pontio has set up a collaboration between Bangor University’s School of Psychology (SCIENCE) and The Republic of the Imagination (ARTS) to present a labyrinth of sensory illusions in Pen Parc, an empty house on Lower Penrallt Road.

In this unique installation – created by psychology professor Guillaume Thierry, theatre designer Iwan Brioc and a team of Bangor University students – visitors are invited to travel through a house party where people are playing with the possibility that not all is what it seems.

"This is theatre like no other; the stage is your brain.”

All children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. We sincerely apologise that there is no wheelchair access to this event due to the unique nature of the location.

Tickets: £7/£5. Limited availability, first come first served.
Phone: 01248 388090 or email:
SidneyWhitaker SidneyWhitaker
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Re: Pen Parc, Bangor

I was surprised to see this Labyrinth  might be open from "06.30".  Your conveninet direct link to the University Eventss Announcement indicates 6.30 p.m., or 18h30.  (They rather absurdly always add two more 00 (e.g. 06:30:00) as though we were counting the seconds!)
I think we should accustom ourelves to l8:30 as on all time-tables nowadays.
Note:  Another example of your amazing industry!  I made an announcement about "our" website at a meeting in Bangor Museum today.  Yours is much better than theirs, of course.
P.S. Incidentally, on this and every page the word should be spelt CATEGORISED.  I'll try to make a note of typos, but havven't found any others today.
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Pen Parc, Bangor

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