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Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Polymer painting by Elund Garmon Jones titled "Julia's Garden".
It is framed in a lovely vintage frame that is approx 38.5cm X 32.5cm.
Eluded Garmon Jones was a tutor at the University of Liverpool in the department of modern history. She was held in high esteem in Bangor as a scholar and historian of local history.
She was the daughter of Sir John Lloyd, Professor of History at the University if Wales.
She died in 1979
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Paintings

DONALD McINTYRE early oil on board - busy Bangor street scene, signed in full and entitled on original label verso ‘Children’s Crossing, Bangor’ with artist’s then Bangor address and price eight guineas, 34 x 44 cms