Masonic Hall

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Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Masonic Hall

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Masonic Hall, High Street Bangor was designed by Mr Bell, a Architect based in Manchester. It was built in 1882 at a cost of £6000, accommodating 2 Masonic Lodges (Saint Deiniol & The Royal Leek), the C&A Conservative Club, The Inland Revenue and the County Court. Other offices were let to various uses (Architects, Solicitors etc).

The Hall was demolished in 1962 to make way for the Wellfield Shopping Centre.

The Masons had already left by this time and were established in Deiniol Road by the mid 1930s.

c1880 _ site secured by Major Plat


Dave Dave
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Re: Masonic Hall

Wow- thanks for this, I never knew what was there before Welfield... I always assumed it was just a row of shops.

The area around the clock must have been beautiful in the 1960s with the Banks, clock and masonic hall. Such a shame it was knocked down - it looks like a very grand building. I'm sure it would have been ideal to be some sort of town hall in the centre of the city to host events.
Clockpostcards Clockpostcards
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Re: Masonic Hall

From my postcard collection and digitally enhanced.
Posted 9th October, 1928
Clockpostcards Clockpostcards
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Re: Masonic Hall

Haven't been able to post on this site for ages, but suddenly I find I can
Some more of my postcards in the link below and yes that is my website you wanted a link for Matt