Inscription above entrance to Registry Office in Bangor?

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Meirion Meirion
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Inscription above entrance to Registry Office in Bangor?

What does the inscription above the registry office in Bangor, next to Penrhyn hall say? The fancy script is very hard to read? Thanks :o)
David Price David Price
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Re: Inscription above entrance to Registry Office in Bangor?

The inscription reads " Diocesan Registry", with the date 1866 over one entrance.  It was one of several improvements introduced by the Diocese of Bangor in the 1860s.  The Canonry (now Gwynedd Museum and Art Gallery) was built in 1862 and the Deanery was rebuilt in 1863 followed by the building of a new Diocesan Registry in 1866.  It was in 1866, that Sir Gilbert Scott's recomendations were accepted for the restoration of the Cathedral.
Meirion Meirion
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Re: Inscription above entrance to Registry Office in Bangor?

Thank you very much for your reply and the information
