John Green, Bangor
Advertisements Feb 1916 North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the Principality

R. P.CULLEY & Co., Ltd. Notice is hereby given that legal proceedings will be taken against any person or persons who shall be found to be using bottles,stoppers or cases belonging to the above Company bearing their name or that of the Bangor Bottling Co., or A.B.C. or
John Green, for the purpose of sale,delivery or distribution of beer, Stout or other liquors not bottled by the said Company. All persons are accordingly hereby cautioned against selling,buying or dealing in any way with the said bottles, stoppers or cases. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, ARTHUR R. BROOKE, GENERAL MANAGER, 3S, Finsbury Square R. P. CULLEY & Co., Ltd. LONDON. E.C
Cope's North Wales and Chester Directory 1912
R. P.CULLEY & Co., Ltd. listed as 'bottlers' on the High Street, Bangor