Frederick Parkinson Long

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Frederick Parkinson Long

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I've been contacted by Christopher Long who is researching his great uncle Frederick Parkinson Long

He has provided a collection of photos which can be seen on the archive here:

Frederick Parkinson Long was born in Rawdon, Yorkshire 9th November 1891.  He was the second son of John William Long, a ‘warp dresser’, and Bessie Long of 386 Leeds Road, Nelson, Lancashire.   He went to Carr Road Elementary School, Nelson and was admitted to Nelson Secondary School on the 9th November 1904.  He won an Oxford Senior Pass in 1908 and an Oxford 3rd Honours in 1909.  He left school on 24th June 1909 to become a student teacher at Trinity College, North Wales.   Previous to joining the army he was assistant master at Bradshaw Street Council School, Nelson and a member of the choir at Scotland Road Primitive Methodist Church.  He played full back for Colne football club.  He enlisted in February 1916, at Chester, in the Cheshire Yeomanry, afterwards transferring to the Manchester Regiment, and later, in December 1916, to a special company of the Royal Engineers. He became Corporal 197441 in the "A" Special Company Royal Engineers.   He died on 21st July 1917 and was buried in Belgium.

I will post the 'rears' of the photos here shortly....