Dean Street

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Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Dean Street

I'm curious to know what has become of 17-21 Dean St., Bangor. I'm related to the Joneses that used to live there for a good part of the nineteenth century. I couldn't find any pictures of it in your archive. Does anyone know? Funny how so many people seek out their roots. Wales is a fine place to have come from.

Posted by Carol Morgan-Lane 02/08/2008 0036
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Dean Street

The houses on the left at the top of the street, near the high street, now end with number 23 Proffessionelle Hairdressers you can see it here. Of course these won't be the actual houses, the nineteeth century ones would have preceded these which date roughly to 1935-1950s. An image of the premises which stood where the hi-fi shop now is can be see here. Dean St area was quite a crowded part of the city in the c19 a good building level map of 1834 allows you to zoom in to see the layout at that time, as you can see the buildings were terraced and attached to the buildings on the high street. If Wood's scaling was correct he seems to suggest that these were reasonably big houses compared with others in the location. The whole area was redeveloped in the 1930s, see before and after maps which show the gap meaning the buildings connecting Dean St and High Street were demolished prior to this development.