A Normal Life- a view of the history of Bangor Normal College (13 March)

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Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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A Normal Life- a view of the history of Bangor Normal College (13 March)

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A Normal Life- a view of the history of Bangor Normal College

Bangor University
What was Normal about the Normal College? Who where the abnormal ones? There's an opportunity to hear a bit of the history of the Normal College at a public lecture in the Conference Room, Hen Goleg, Bangor University, Colege Road, Bangor at 5.15 on Friday 13 March.

The Lecture will provide a glimpse at the history through the eyes f tree former members of staff. Professor Gareth Roberts, the College's last Principal will be evaluating the overall contribution made by the College, Miss Menai Williams will be giving the view of a former member of staff and warden and Dr Tudor Ellis will sketch the student experiences through the years.

The Normal Colege was established in 1858, a little over a century and a half ago. It integrated with the University in 1996. The College has made a significant contribution to education and culture in Wales.

A host of former students have contributed their recollections about their experiences at the College and the intention is to publish those memories in a book with the same title Bywyd Normal (A Normal Life).

The Lecture has been organized by the University of Wales Guild of Graduates and is open to the public.
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: A Normal Life- a view of the history of Bangor Normal College (13 March)

Hen Coleg, The Normal College
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: A Normal Life- a view of the history of Bangor Normal College (13 March)

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Old Coleg Normal logo at the time of merging with the University 1996
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: A Normal Life- a view of the history of Bangor Normal College (13 March)

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Teaching Staff

Neale Wendover Bucks Bangor Normal 1957
Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Hen Coleg

Original Etching of Bangor Normal College by R B. E. Woodhouse Limited Edition.

R B. E. Woodhouse was a prolific etcher working around the 1920's in Britain.

Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Hen Coleg

Admin (Matt) Admin (Matt)
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Re: Hen Coleg

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A J Lewis Stant 1931-1955 drawing of the Hen Goleg (or Coleg Normal as it was then)